Thursday, May 28, 2015

Работилница "Артистичното в нас"

The artist within – Applied eMOTION 


в партньорство с

Hungarian Association for Expressive Arts and Dance Therapy, IKTE (Hungary)

с подкрепата на Erasmus+ 


Каним Ви на 31 май, 2015, неделя, в актовата зала на Музея Панчо Владигеров да участвате в нашата еднодневна творческа работилница, организирана за онези професионалисти, които ежедневно се раздават и се нуждаят от презареждане чрез музика, танци, групово-терапевтични упражнения, рисуване и неформално общуване.

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Workshop The artist within – Applied eMOTION

Association on Refugees & Migrants - Bulgaria 

Re: The “Artist Within”, Post - 1st Training “It’s never too late! Reviving the Hidden Artist! Integral expression and dance therapy training”,
Cserkezőlő, Hungary

Organized on May 31, 2015

 Pancho Vladigerov Museum House Art Studio & Garden, Sofia, Bulgaria: Excellent venue relevant for up to 15 participants; 

Organizers: 1st Project Training participants Emil Antonov, Nayden Yotov, Tania Marincheshka & Ivanka Hristova; 

Trainers: Emil, Nayden & Tania;  

Participants: Invited participants were of following professional background: Refugees’ & Migrants’ social assistance & legal protection professionals; Elderly Home social workers; Volunteers in orphanage patronage care; Nutrition therapists; Music therapists; School teachers & University professors; Family child care consultants; Research & creative work hygiene consultants, etc.

Photos from the event:

I loved the workshop part with relaxation exercises, which gave me a wonderful opportunity to relax, daydream, and awake my creative impulses. I liked the interaction with other participants, the  confidence that we built between us, as well as the team spirit in group activities... It was also very interesting to learn more about the eminent Bulgarian composer & musician Pancho Vladigerov during the museum tour and the film screening. Impressions, feelings and insights that this training has given me will help me in the future to use the "artist within" in my practice as a consultant and therapist… I thank the organizers for the idea and logistics - the venue was beautiful and very conductive for the purpose of training and the food was excellent!”[1]
 “The workshop was a relaxing end-of-the-week experience which I enjoyed greatly and look forward to this team’s next similar activities…”[2]

[1] Sophia Stepanova, a nutrition consultant &therapist;
[2] Violet Galabova, a BG Red Cross refugees & migrants social assistance practitioner